Fate laid out your life for you like a dress on a bed, and you could either wear it or go naked....
I go naked.
I stop and admire myself in the glass door. Looking mighty fine, if I do say so myself: red V-neck, dark denim, designer combat boots, and enough testosterone rolling off me to satisfy Nicki Minaj.
Sometimes the category could be a woodworker, or a builder, or a photographer, or any which one they gonna accept...
And sometimes the easiest one is just saying you are an artist!
Two artists build their dream house out of glass widows!
*(This is not book related, but it's completely awesome)
Warning: this contains foul language and also tiny spoilers!!!
For those of you who don't know what this book is about: this book is about rubbing and also groping.
There were literally 3 chapter about them (ahem) enjoying each-other! 3 CHAPTERS noting happened except them lying in bed! and then there were 2 more of them walking through Vegas and thinking about FEELINGS.
There might have been some descent action scenes somewhere around the end but I was so fed up of this book by then i skip-read through most of them.
The thing is, this series starts off well. You have the first, maybe even the second book and it has its eye-rolling moments but they are neatly dispersed through the book and cut of just before you start cringing. So you finish it and you like it and you are a little ashamed to admit because of its cheesy plot but you give it a 4 stars anyway and wait for the next book excitedly.
And here is where everything goes spiraling downward. why i think that is?
it took me two days to read this (because i had to sleep and live) or I would have read it faster. I finish it and i realize that this is by far the most shallow book i'v ever read!
Don't get me wrong there is a lot of action and the pace is pretty decent so it keeps you reading and it's a fine book, it is! But personally I found it unnecessary brutal.
- Every single character is either chauvinist or feminist.
- Everyone is labeled (Slut, Geek, Nerd, Freak...) and discriminated because of it and their behavior just made me cringe around the book.
- I didn't relate to anyone so i can make excuses for him/her and for that matter I found the secondary characters more explored (in psych and background story) than the MCs. >[for example i know that Hillary's mother hated her, but i have no idea what Will and David family is like or Lucy's]<
I might have had a better experience if i fell in love with one of the MCs but truth be told i hated them all (Lucy the most, Will the least) more then the "villains".
So if you are looking for mindless action this is a fun read for you. My advise is: don't thing too much about the physics of it all and enjoy the ups and downs of everyday life in McKinley High.
Dreams of Gods & Monsters, the final installment of Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy, doesn’t hit shelves until April. But we’ve got good news for fans of the popular series. And better news if you’re a fan of Zuzana and Mik. On Nov. 26, Taylor will release a never-before-seen digital novella titled Night of Cake & Puppets about Zuzana and Mik’s first date.
In Night of Cake & Puppets, Taylor brings to life a night only hinted at in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy—the magical first date of fan-favorites Zuzana and Mik. Told in alternating perspectives, it’s the perfect love story for fans of the series and new readers alike. Petite though she may be, Zuzana is not known for timidity. Her best friend, Karou, calls her “rabid fairy,” her “voodoo eyes” are said to freeze blood, and even her older brother fears her wrath. But when it comes to the simple matter of talking to Mik, or “Violin Boy,” her courage deserts her. Now, enough is enough. Zuzana is determined to meet him, and she has a fistful of magic and a plan. It’s a wonderfully elaborate treasure hunt of a plan that will take Mik all over Prague on a cold winter’s night before finally leading him to the treasure: herself! Violin Boy’s not going to know what hit him.
On Jennifer L. Armentrout's blog:
What can I tell you about Obsession?
An Arum. Yes. You read that right.
Obsession does take place in the same world that Katy and Daemon inhabit,
Obsession is more mature, definitely targeted toward the older crowd. It's an adult romance, so you know what that means.
Obsession will change what you think you know about the Luxens and Arums.
There will be some crossover with certain characters from the Lux Series.
Obsession takes place in-between Opal and the 4th Lux novel, which is called Origin.
Hunter and Serena are the lead characters in Obsession.
*you can find the whole article HERE!
So many other stops as well – Knoxville, a crucial point in books 1 and 2; Chattanooga, a stop in book 3; Atlanta, also visited in book 3, various places on the South Carolina coast that are addressed in the third book; and others. I don’t want to give too much away about the conclusion of Ember’s story, but I will say this place, in South Carolina, perfectly fit one of the scenes that takes place in THREE.
Ok, here’s a teensy spoiler:
The intersection before the minimart was empty. The gas pumps still stood, but their hoses were ripped away. In the sun outside the entrance a man in street clothes was seated on a metal chair. He was slumped forward, asleep, his hands on his lap, his chin on his chest.