
Frantic Reader #47901

Fate laid out your life for you like a dress on a bed, and you could either wear it or go naked....

I go naked.



Currently reading

Kim Curran
Progress: 18 %
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley
Veronica Roth
Progress: 30 %
The Bookmaidens

The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater


THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS! and now i crave for more....


I'm not sure if this count as a Spoiler, it can barely passes as a Teaser, but i fund it on Maggie Stiefvater blog and decided to share:

I blame the most recent rash of music on the sequel to The Raven Boys. There is a character who is terrible in Raven Boys II, and I very much needed for him to stay terrible. As a writer, I have a tendency to secretly give all of my characters hearts of gold. You will spot this through my works. The ice queen with the heart of gold. The child abductor with a heart of gold. The teenage drug addict/ womanizer with a heart of gold.
This particular boy needed to remain black-hearted. To remind myself of that some people in fact have a deeply hidden heart of mulch, I created a playlist of terrible music that I played whenever he appeared on the screen. Mostly, I just picked songs that were slightly more offensive than I would like.
Which turned out to be a sliding scale.
- You can find the whole Post HERE

(do you think is Ronan or Adam?) I hope not, I love all the Raven Boys!

also this:

Update (13.05.'13)
Ronan & Chainsaw

Update (19/06/'13):
The Prologue from The Dream Thieves

Also this:
The Dream Thieves wasn't called that, back then. It was called The Llewellyn Society. And Gansey was an old man. And Ronan was named Sean. And Noah was named Adam. But it was the same. Mostly. Sort of. Except that I wrote this version longhand. Oh, and it was terrible.
Here are some more terrible bits that sort of stayed the same in the real version, only I made them less terrible:

- You can find the whole Post HERE

An Excerpt:

- You can find the whole Post HERE

Update (09/07/'13):

- The whole Post HERE

Update (09/08/'13):
"TRAILER" for the book!
The Wallpaper and music from the video HERE

I swear the book is not about cars, mostly. It is magic and kissing and darker things after dark. It really is my favorite thing of all, even including The Scorpio Races, and that is saying a lot.
*(read the whole article on Maggie's Blog)